This page describes how to safely connect a software defined radio to your transceiver using a DXE-RTR-2 relay box to create a real-time spectrum analyser (panadapter) to your shack.
One way to connect an SDR and transceiver is by using a relay box to disconnect the SDR when transmitting automatically. SDR radios can be damaged by transmitter power when an SDR and transceiver share the sameĪ switch can be used to flip between SDR and transceiver, but this prevents the use of your main receivers audio signal making this setup a bit awkward. Transceiver and SDR? Unfortunately, it's not possible to simply attach an SDR directly to a transceiver. How do you connect your antenna to both your SDR radios are relatively cheap and available, these will provide a spectrum view right out of the box, but on their own, this isn't enough.
When working HF, this is very useful as it allows you to quickly home in on CQ calls and CAT Converter From FT- 817 FT-857 FT-897 CAT To Bluetooth Adapter For YAESU. A panadapter allows you to see all of the radio stations currently transmitting across an entire band.